I've pushed code that will generate a relatively clean class hierarchy for the WebODF classes. The file is available as dependencies.dot after every build. Solid colors mean the file contains a class or a collection of utility functions. An white oval with a colored line indicates an interface. In reality, there are many more connections between classes, but not all are shown. Consider this small graph: A -> B B -> C A -> C The connection between A and C is already implied by A -> B -> C so the direct line A -> C is left out. This makes the graph less cluttered and cramped. But do not be disappointed when you want to sever a tie between classes and you find that another connection becomes visible when you do. As you can see the dependencies are pretty nice at the moment, but they could be improved. The ODF classes occur roughly in a block. The gui classes are a mostly on top. All ops classes are connected to each other. Here are some suggestions for improvements: - rename OdtCursor to ops/Cursor.js - split the ops directory in ops and odtops (an xmlops dir is on the way) Have fun! Jos