Hello Philip, On 03/20/2013 04:48 AM, Philip Peitsch wrote:
I'm starting to tip-toe into ODF editing, and was looking for a few pointers.
1. I know there is a collaborative editing effort under way... is there a roadmap or timeline of features somewhere? Or can someone provide a quick summary of the delivery time of this?
The patches for collaborative features are landing in the master branch. We are finishing the final touches for the first milestone. That will be a version of WebODF where you can edit text in paragraphs and change paragraph styles. This works for a single user and also when using a collaborative session. The required server for collaborative editing is currently not publicly available, but the protocol is public.
2. How do I run the things that are currently there? I have found programs/editor/index.html, as well as cdn-index.html. The cdn-index.html one appears the work, but I cant figure out how to get the first going... it appears to be wanting dojo or similar.
Yes, index.html is the version that works with only local files. index-cnd.html uses a cdn (content idstribution network). To use index.html, you have to compile webodf with cmake and make. cd webodf mkdir ../build cd ../build cmake ../webodf make
Many thanks. I continue to be impressed by the quality of the webodf code and functionality.
Thank you very much. Cheers, Jos