Hi, I just stumbled again over: http://incubator.apache.org/odftoolkit Which has ODFDOM and this Simple API, which I did not notice before: http://incubator.apache.org/odftoolkit/simple/document/index.html It comes with the respective javadoc for API: http://incubator.apache.org/odftoolkit/simple/document/javadoc/index.html and a nice cookbook like set of examples: http://incubator.apache.org/odftoolkit/simple/document/cookbook/index.html Perhaps it makes sense to align with this API. set*, apply* et al might map to Operations in our universe, while the getter-functions show the lack of the analogy within WebODF. (While Operations for changing a document are one part. There is a similar need for the opposite (getting data out of a document.)) th -- Tobias Hintze