So we get
it("tests.xml, function () {
  it("test1", function () {
  it("test2", function () {

Having a test factory that creates the tests for the elements in the xml
is much easier to maintain. I dont quite get how 'each individual “it”
test is specified from the source XML'.

With jasmine you nest the describe blocks to group sets tests[1].
So, integrating some XML-based tests could be done like:
describe("Operation transform matrix tests", function () {
    it("constructs successfully", function() { ... });
    it("cleans up all things on teardown", function() { ... });
    describe("XML-based transform tests", function() {
        var xmlFile = runtime.readFileSync(...),
            tests = parseTests(xmlFile);
        tests.forEach(function(test) {
            it(, test.func);