So I found a solution.  I dropped all of the files into /var/www/html and fired up apache... and presto, everything worked!  I think this problem has to do with browser security and local files.

On Sat, Nov 23, 2013 at 2:31 PM, Joshua Kramer <> wrote:

I'm replying to news75 and Michiel.  I ran into the same problem as news75.

Here's the problem:  if I do, odfcanvas.load("questions.odt") then I get a "Not well formed" error when it tries to load.

If I do odfcanvas.load("file:///home/josh/Documents/questions.odt") then I get a domain restriction error.

These errors appear in the Javascript console of Firefox when I have it enabled.  Chromium behaves in the same way.

Any ideas?
